
Jiangsu Zhichao New Material Technology Co., Ltd

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Instructions for use of aluminum and metal additives

  • 2019/10/18
  • 1185

The use of aluminum and metal additives shows that in order to improve various properties of aluminum, various alloy elements need to be added to make different grades of alloy. At present, alloy or pure metal is basically used in China. Some domestic aluminum processing plants have used metal additives instead of master alloys. From the use effect, it can be seen that the additives not only have all the advantages of master alloys, but also overcome some disadvantages of master alloys, so the additives are more and more widely used.

Metal additive application: alloy element addition in aluminum alloy smelting.

Advantages of metal additive products:

Additives: aluminum and aluminum alloy additives are far superior to intermediate alloy due to their excellent addition mechanism, convenient use, stable element real yield and economic production mode. It can avoid too high smelting temperature, reduce the life of smelting furnace, increase the burning loss of aluminum and alloy elements, reduce the smelting productivity and worsen the working conditions. What's more serious is the uneven composition of the intermediate alloy, which brings a series of difficulties to the later control of the alloy element content. For the large number of civil aluminum alloy, it is an ideal material to replace the intermediate alloy.

Instructions for use of aluminum and metal additives:

Aluminum and metal additives can be directly added to the melting furnace or the holding furnace, but they must be added before refining. In order to achieve the expected solid yield of alloy elements, other coordination conditions are needed

Due to the mechanism of pure metal addition, the absorption rate of alloy elements always increases with the increase of temperature. Field experience shows that aluminum and aluminum alloy additives are sensitive to temperature, especially manganese. It is necessary to control the temperature of liquid aluminum at 740 ± 10 ℃ and add additives, otherwise the absorption time of metal will be prolonged.